Monthly Archives: February 2014

David Vs Goliath Battle to live in Toronto Tiny House

Man Fights City Hall to allow Toronto TINY HOUSE Living.

It really is time for all “City Halls” Across North America to consider #Tinyhouse living. Especially when the average #Vancouver house is $1M+

Here is a story on the Toronto Star about a Man fighting City Hall to allow Tiny House Living.

A Toronto man is trying to get the city to embrace his pint-sized housing plan.

Man wants to live in Toronto Tiny House

Man wants to live in Toronto Tiny House

The proposed home will be cubelike, trailer-sized and wheeled — although not for the purpose of driving — and completely self-sustainable.

The problem? On paper, it sounds exactly like a standard travel trailer, and city zoning is clear: You can’t live out of a vehicle.

In reality, Anthony Moscar says his home will be anything but.

“Trailers are these temporary places . . . there’s no sense of having to be concerned about anything for the long term, because eventually you’re going to reconnect to a power source,” he says. “The tiny house isn’t any of that.” 

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Goal Zero Off Grid Power Made Easy

goal-zero-yeti-1250-solar-generator-xlGoal Zero Off Grid Power

So you’re going camping for the weekend or escaping to your Gulf Island / Gambier Island cabin… But you forgot to charge your cell phone or camera.


The Goal Zero Extreme 350 Adventure Kit is a good option for folks wanting super-easy solar energy. It’s portability and ease-of-use make it a good companion while on the go, or around the house. 

Need more power? Just daisy chain up to 3 units together and there you have it. 

GOAL ZERO is an innovator of portable solar power systems that power a variety of USB, AC and DC devices anywhere and at anytime. Providing a perfect blend of portability, power, and ease-of-use, GOAL ZERO products feature full solar energy systems—solar panels, power packs and accessories—each designed to work in concert with each other.

Buy: Goal Zero


Fungus Fest: When a job goes bad!

Cute Shed - When A Job Goes Bad

Cute Shed – Big Fungus Issue

When a job goes BAD! Modern-Shed Steps UP!

Here is a cute little Modern-Shed Backyard Office we built in the fall of 2012 in North Vancouver.

We worked with the client to pick the right location in their yard, the right paint colour, siding type, deck configuration, you name it! And when the project was complete the client was ecstatic with the end result. It was the way every job should go 🙂

But and a big BUT… Not every project goes exactly as planned.

This North Vancouver Shed is located on a heavily treed lot that rarely sees the full light of day. Within a couple of weeks of the installation being complete, the client started to notice a black fungus / mold growing on the underside of the roof on the exterior of the shed.

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Modern-Shed: The Ultimate in Flexibility

Aquarium_ReceptionYour Shed Your Way

Modern-Shed gives you the ultimate in flexibility. Custom design your shed the way you want it.

Check out our gallery of 48 different Modern-Shed builds throughout North America and may of them right here in Metro #Vancouver

The Modern-Shed to the right can be seen at the Vancouver Aquarium.

CLICK HERE to view the Modern-Shed galleries.

#sheds #outbuildings #cabins #lanewayhouse #retreat #backyardoffice


2013 Westcoast Outbuildings Projects/Builds

8x12_Prefab_Cabin-24Westcoast Outbuildings 2013 Projects:

Over the last 3 years Westcoast Outbuildings has grown into BC’s Premier Builder of Small Structures.

2013 was an incredibly busy year for Westcoast Outbuildings. We smashed our previous year’s sales and  sold or installed 33 buildings totaling nearly 3400 sq/ft of floor space.

In the late fall of 2013 we took possession of a 3000 sq/ft production facility in North Vancouver, BC and immediately expanded our product lines. 

Tough-Structures125 Westcoast_Custom_125 Nelson-Design_125 Modern-Shed_125


Whether it be an Accessory Building, Cabin, Shed, Studio, Retreat, Garage, Tiny House you name it we build it and build it well. Read more ›