Man Fights City Hall to allow Toronto TINY HOUSE Living.
It really is time for all “City Halls” Across North America to consider #Tinyhouse living. Especially when the average #Vancouver house is $1M+
Here is a story on the Toronto Star about a Man fighting City Hall to allow Tiny House Living.
A Toronto man is trying to get the city to embrace his pint-sized housing plan.
The proposed home will be cubelike, trailer-sized and wheeled — although not for the purpose of driving — and completely self-sustainable.
The problem? On paper, it sounds exactly like a standard travel trailer, and city zoning is clear: You can’t live out of a vehicle.
In reality, Anthony Moscar says his home will be anything but.
“Trailers are these temporary places . . . there’s no sense of having to be concerned about anything for the long term, because eventually you’re going to reconnect to a power source,” he says. “The tiny house isn’t any of that.”