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3 Benefits of New Prefabricated Eco-Friendly Homes

Prefabricated Homes

Prefabricated homes aren’t really that new of a concept in the building market. For many decades now, modular prefabricated homes have been built and sold as a less expensive alternative to buying a home on the market. The difference today is that prefab has become trendy. With a bit of an aesthetic facelift and a re-branding scheme, modular homes have become the hot new thing in home building and buying. As statistics on unemployment, a failing economy, crippling debt, soaring college costs, and so much more bombard our views, the thought of owning a house is almost impossible. Many young professionals struggle to pay off college loans well into their adulthood and years after they have completed their degrees. This causes major adult life steps like getting married, buying a house, and having children to get pushed back further and further. But, the prefab homes that are on the market today may be just the answer. Keeping many modern-day issues in mind, prefabricated eco-friendly homes have a lot of offer the young home buyer.

Prefabricated Homes

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Prefab Houses & Construction: Everything you wanted to know!

 The Versatile Prefab House

The Versatile Prefab House - Dwell Magazine

Click to view this info packed FREE Special Edition

Ever thought about owning a Prefab House? If you are as passionate about prefab houses and construction as we are they you’ve gotta check out this FREE Digital Issue of Dwell Magazine.

Page 4: Prefab 101

Everything you wanted to know about prefab houses but were afraid to ask! We’ve tapped the brain behind popular Web resource FabPreFab to explain the birds and the bees of manufactured housing.

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Radiant Roof Sheathing & Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless Water Heaters & Radiant Roof Sheathing:

As a homeowner and private contractor, I understand the importance of sustainability. Having worked on Long Island Homes for over 3 years now, I’ve seen a lot of things that are commonplace, along with some that are newer to me.

Tankless water heaters and radiant roof sheathing are among the most innovative energy-saving home improvement technologies available today. Many homeowners overlook these devices. However, they can help people save a lot of money on energy expenses.

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A History of Modern Prefab Houses

Modern-Shed Dwelling-Shed - Modern Prefab Houses

Modern-Shed Prefab House – Under $150 a Sq/Ft

Modern Prefab Houses

Although the concept of modern prefab houses and design has been around since the ’60s, the architectural movement didn’t take off until early 2000. As technological advances like SIP panels (structural insulating that is precut and can be locked together) were made and interest in residential architectural design blossomed, architects turned their attention to prefab houses. The goal was to create a home that could be transported to a building site, be easily erected and look like modern architecture — all within a reasonable budget.

… and modern prefab houses were born.

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History of the Prefabricated House

The Prefabricated House

Modern-Shed Prefabricated House

Modern-Shed Pool Side Cabana & Music Studio

Prefabricated houses have a long history in the US. An early version of a prefabricated house was sent from England in the 1600s, but real prefabrication did not take off until the arrival of “house kits.” House kits contained all of the house’s parts, so the owners built the homes themselves or hired people to construct them.

The Aladdin Company started selling the earliest Prefabricated houses  from its catalog in 1906. One of the best-known early kit-home sellers was Sears, Roebuck and Co., which sold more than 100,000 homes from 1908 to 1940 .

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