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Modern-Shed Prefab Dwelling Compound

Prefab Dwelling Shed Compound: Don’t live LIFE confined to four walls!

Modern-Shed Dwelling ShedLocated in the quaint town of Port Townsend on Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula the Dwelling Shed Compound was designed by Modern-Shed founder Ryan Grey Smith.

The Prefab Dwelling Shed Compound was built as a recreational family getaway.  It also serves as a showcase for Modern-Shed products, designs and concepts.

Connected with raised inter-connected decks the compound is designed around a central courtyard complete with fire pit and benches. A mix of gravels paths, bamboo, concrete stepping-stones, composite wood and cedar decking offer many different textures to the look and feel.

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Shed Living: Small Practical Prefab Living Space

Shed LivingShed Living an Affordable Housing Trend

Shed Living and Small Houses are the new “In Thing”, and this practical little living space couldn’t be more in vogue.

The “Shed for Living,” designed by Manchester England based FKDA Architects, provides all the necessary amenities for living in a compact unit.

Designed for those in need of affordable and practical space.

Constructed of FSC certified timber-framed walls, double paned windows, cellulose fibre insulation from 100% recycled newspaper and interior finishes with low VOC content. Read more ›

Modern-Shed Dwelling Texas: The Inside Scoop

Modern-Shed Dwelling: Texas Style

The following interview is with Heidi Brunet the builder of the first Modern-Shed Dwelling. The Modern-Shed Dwelling, is a pre-fab, home-built by Modern-Shed. Modern-Shed recently launched its “Dwelling” line, which is an extension from its pre-fab “room” specialty. Heidi’s home is a full-sized family style home, and is being built in Dallas, Texas.  

Q: How is the building process going thus far with your Modern-Shed Dwelling? There has been tremendous progress in the past couple of weeks – the foundation was poured, floors were installed, walls were built, and most recently the roof was added. Is the process as fast as you thought it would be? Have you come across any hiccups this early on in the process?

A: No. The entire shell of the house went up in 3 days with very basic tools. It was faster than I anticipated. Next week we will frame the internal walls in the house, assemble the carport, rough in electrical wiring throughout the house, install the fireplace and start putting up siding.

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Modern-Dwelling: Building the “Big H” in Dallas Texas

2064 Sq/Ft Modern-Dwelling goes up in 3 days!

Modern-Dwelling: Everything’s bigger in Texas, including Modern-Shed.


Last fall, Modern-Shed embarked on the largest project the company has ever undertaken; Modern-Shed Dwelling, a nearly 2,100-square-foot H-shaped structure, with all the trappings of Modern-Shed’s sleek, simple design, but constructed on a much larger scale.

The new “shed” will be the first in a line of Modern-Dwellings that the company hopes to offer in the New Year, said Modern-Shed general manager Tim Vack.

Over the years, Modern-Shed has received numerous requests from customers asking whether their Modern-Sheds can be connected, Vack said. Read more ›