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Size Does Matter: Why Small Living Might Be Better For You

Why is Smaller Better?


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Shipping Container House in Amsterdam

Shipping Container Housing: Tiny House Living

Shipping Container Housing is a phrase you may be hearing a lot about these days. From obscurity to mainstream press in just a matter of years. This costs effective, readily available building medium may just be the  major step forward we’ve needed to solving urban housing issues.

Amsterdam Shipping Container House

Amsterdam Shipping Container House

Here is a perfect example of Shipping Container Housing.

A shortage of student accommodation in Amsterdam lead to shipping containers being used as student apartments. At only 20m2 these spaces are quite small, but these colourful places still provide a great living environment.

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Small Living in the Big Apple:

Small Living: Finding Work / Life Balance in 500 Sq/Ft

Small Living, Small Spaces

Small Living in the Big Apple

New York independent business consultant Michael Pozner had a need. He wanted to have a functional living space in his 500 Sq/Ft Big Apple apartment by night but he also needed a space to work in during the day.

One of the major challenges with small living is storage and in the case of Micheal he decided to build his space around the storage. Instead of multiple pieces of disjointed furniture which clutter the space he and his designer Darrick Morowski set out to de-clutter.

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