SEATTLE — When Kai Carroll and his wife, Emily Wang, were expecting their second child last year, they knew that they had to create more space in their cozy three-bedroom house in Ballard.
The couple loved their house, and they loved their neighborhood. But with a young son and a daughter on the way, they realized that each child would need their own room — so there would soon be no space for either set of grandparents when they came to visit the little ones.
Designed as a place for visitors to rest their travel-weary bones this Guesthouse concept could easily be adapted as a Laneway House for the Vancouver marketplace.
Prefab Modern-Shed Guesthouse / Laneway House
Hidden away in a suburban Seattle Washington backyard is this beautiful Modern-Shed 12′ x 24′ prefab Guesthouse.
Designed as a place for visitors to rest their travel weary bones this Guesthouse concept could easily be adapted as a Laneway House for the Vancouver marketplace.
Typically the Vancouver Laneway House market is filled with a lot of rather expensive building options. Buildings in the $250K-400K are certainly not unheard of if not the norm these days.
I have some GREAT NEWS about how you can get one of our amazing buildings at a really low price point.
Read on for more details.
I know you’ve been interested in our buildings for some time but you haven’t made the plunge yet.
Perhaps it’s the upfront cost?
I am the first to admit our product is NOT CHEAP and I would never sell a cheap product. We believe in a quality product and stand by it.
There is a reason there are so many old sayings about the relationship between what you pay for something and the quality you receive like the oldie but goodie…
But for me there is another saying that rings more true:
And that’s exactly the way I feel about our product…
In my time in the business I’ve seen some pretty poor quality buildings being offered by our competitors. There are cheaper builders on the market for sure but what is the true cost?
If you have a problem with a door or window 6 months down the road will they be there to help? Westcoast Outbuildings WILL.
We have a 5 year proven track record of producing and delivering sweet looking, quality buildings!
And now we’ve recently received our Canadian Standards Association A277 Factory Built Building Certification. This means our Factory is routinely inspected and audited for quality and adherance CSA Code.
Additionally, once our buildings leave the factory they DO NOT REQUIRE LOCAL BUILDING INSPECTIONS. The CSA A277 Certification takes care of all the required inspections.
Since I’m being honest I’ll also tell you that we don’t sell anything to 99.93% of the people inquire about our buildings.
Yet our factory is always full with new creations being built and it’s been for the last 3 years straight! That’s because people appreciate a quality product.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that our buildings “well built”, “look great”, “Its exactly what I want” but its the affordability factor is the biggest hurdle.
I’ve already told you I am never gonna sell cheap buildings…
But what if I could make them more AFFORDABLE and easier on the old cashflow???
Do you run a Home Based Business, perhaps you’re a Realtor or in Sales or just work from home on a regular basis?
How much more productive would you be if you had your own Sweet Backyard Office complete with WIFI, TV, Power and Heat and most importantly PEACE AND QUITE to work without being interrupted every 5 MINUTES?
What if I told you that I could build you a totally cool, tricked out backyard office like this and make it totally affordable so that it would cost you LESS each month than a nice dinner out and a bottle of wine!
If I were a betting man (which I naturally am as an entrepreneur) I’d say that the newly gained PEACE AND QUITE alone would increase your sales!
Or maybe your the more typical Vancouver Mountain Biking fanatic who needs a SECURE place to store your overwhelming supply of MOUNTAIN BIKES and assorted parts and equipment and gear… that isn’t the garage.
… Because you partner is threatening to leave you if you don’t get that Junk out of the garage and give them their parking spot back!
I know I know… Geoff get to the point Right?
So what does this all have to do with AFFORDABILITY or our product?
How can we help you get your Backyard Office, Nanny Suite, Guest House, Bunkie, Cabin, Park Model RV, Storage Shed or whatever it is you want to use our building for?
What if I told you that you can now FINANCE your building purchase and have your project approved in as little as 4 hours!
That’s right, get the building of your dreams now and pay 1 Low Monthly Fee to LEASE IT. is your source for news and information on Small Modular Buildings. A one-stop source for creative & cost-effective eco-friendly solutions to expand your living spaces. No need for costly, time-consuming home renovation, remodelling or outright relocation.
It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for a Backyard Office, Art Studio, Guest House, Remote Cabin, Nanny Suite, Laneway House, Offgrid-Cabin, Coachhouse, Yoga Studio, Reading Room, Garden Shed, Storage Shed, Tool Shed, Prefab Shed or simply a private retreat, Outbuildings can help.
Design: Classic
Size: 16′ x 40′ | 640 Sq/Ft
Priced From: Download Catalog Here For Pricing
Typically prefab dwelling kits of this size makes a perfect Workshop, Guest House, Artists Studio, Cabin, Laneway house or principal residence. Read more ›