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Modern-Dwelling: Building the “Big H” in Dallas Texas

2064 Sq/Ft Modern-Dwelling goes up in 3 days!

Modern-Dwelling: Everything’s bigger in Texas, including Modern-Shed.


Last fall, Modern-Shed embarked on the largest project the company has ever undertaken; Modern-Shed Dwelling, a nearly 2,100-square-foot H-shaped structure, with all the trappings of Modern-Shed’s sleek, simple design, but constructed on a much larger scale.

The new “shed” will be the first in a line of Modern-Dwellings that the company hopes to offer in the New Year, said Modern-Shed general manager Tim Vack.

Over the years, Modern-Shed has received numerous requests from customers asking whether their Modern-Sheds can be connected, Vack said. Read more ›