Monthly Archives: January 2015

Pinintan Lake-11

Pinintan Lake-11

8’x12′ Lifestyle Utility Shed

8′ x 12′ Lifestyle Utility Shed

8'x12' Lifestyle Utility Shed

8×12 Lifestyle Utility Shed


Our West Vancouver client wanted something they couldn’t get from any other supplier in Vancouver. They wanted a modern shed made with their own doors custom doors that were left over from the renovation of their house.

Westcoast Outbuildings designed and built the building around the doors.


NEW 9’x12′ Lifestyle Backyard Office: North Vancouver

9′ x 12′ Lifestyle Backyard Office


North Vancouver Backyard Office

North Vancouver 9×12 Lifestyle Backyard Office

Our aesthetically discerning client was looking to re-locate his office from a paid office space to his backyard. Looking for something a clean modern design he choose a 9×12 Lifestyle Office with Open-Joint Hardie Siding with sleek Easytrim Anodized Aluminum reveals.

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